
Fact-finding Report into Labour Violations at Shahi Factory, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India

First-hand testimony from women workers informs new fact-finding report on workers’ rights violations at Shahi Factory in Andhra Pradesh’s Kuppam (India). A month after 2,000 workers from the Shahi Exports factory – Unit 44 gathered to protest outside their factory, a report has been published by AFWA, detailing a wide range of labour rights violations, including gender-based violence and harassment at the factory, which supplies to US-based Columbia Sportswear.

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Unbearable Harassment: The Fashion Industry and Widespread Abuse of Female Garment Workers in Indian Factories

Garment worker abuse in India’s factories intensified due to fashion brands’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Asia Floor Wage Alliance and Society for Labour and Development. The report cites testimonies from 90 women in 31 factories across three major garment-producing hubs in India: Delhi NCR, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

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Voices from the Field: Reprisals and Repression of Garment Worker Unions and Workers Organizations During COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

The report, written by AFWA with GLJ-AFWA, details human rights violations against garment workers by Sri Lanka's largest garment manufacturer Brandix Lanka and the government, at the outset of the country's second wave of COVID-19 in October 2020. It highlights how the two parties created a COVID crisis, and then brutally repressed those who spoke up about it.

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