Overcoming the Crisis: Textile Workers in the Global South, Covid-19 and the German Supply Chain Law

Overcoming the Crisis: Textile Workers in the Global South, Covid-19 and the German Supply Chain Law

Overcoming the Crisis: Textile Workers in the Global South, Covid-19 and the German Supply Chain Law

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A panel discussion organised by FAIRstrickt (a German nonprofit organisation working for fair trade / clean clothes, human rights and climate justice) on September 28, 6 pm Berlin time / 9.30 pm IST / 10 pm BDT.

How was the situation of workers, entrepreneurs and shopkeepers during coronavirus and how is it now? Can the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, 2023, help workers in the Global South? What positive experiences were made in overcoming the crisis? We will talk about this with our guests. Uwe Kleinert, a consultant for business and human rights at the Werkstatt Ökonomie (Workshop Economy), will also talk about the benefits of the new German Supply Chain Act and how people in Germany can support workers in the Global South to make sure that the law is enforced.


  • K.M Ruhul Amin, trade union leader & Acting President of Garments Workers’ Trade Union Centre, Bangladesh, Asia Floor Wage Alliance.
  • Sarah Dunn, Manager of Rani & Reine, a Canadian-Indian online shop which sells designer collections made by home-based garment workers in India.
  • Barbara Rongen, former owner of style afFAIRe, a green-concept store in Tübingen, Germany.
  • Nisha Subramaniam, Co-Founder of Kullvi Whims, a self-help group of traditional artisans from Kullu Valley in Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Nivedita Banerji, Co-Founder of Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS), one of India’s largest non-government initiatives for water and food security

#supplychainact #fairstrickt #textileworkers #germany #Tübingen #raniandreine #styleaffaire #asiafloorwagealliance #kullviwhims #kumbayaproducercompany #fairtrade #humanrights #climatejustice #bangladesh #india #solidarity

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