
Women on the Rise: Gendering the World of Work

The policy brief is a joint publication of Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA), Global Labor Justice (GLJ), and Feminist Alliance for Rights (FAR). This policy brief highlights women’s paid and unpaid labor as the cornerstone of gender equality and specifically addresses GBVH in the world of work. The brief demonstrates the links between ILO C190 and two critical areas of concern within the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Violence against Women, and Women and the Economy.
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Phnom Penh Declaration: AFWA Kicks off Phase II

Asia Floor Wage Alliance met on October 11-12, 2018 in Cambodia to kick off the second phase of its work — after completion of the first phase of ten years. This declaration focuses on the main outcomes of this meeting. It discusses the challenges facing Asian Garment Unions, Gender-Based Violence in Industrial Relations in Global Supply Chains and AFWA’s Structure for Phase II.

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Asia Floor Wage and Global Industrial Collective Bargaining

This essay, published in the International Journal of Labour Research, and co-authored by Anannya Bhattacharjee and Ashim Roy, explains the development of Asia Floor Wage as a cross-border living wage benchmark for garment workers in Asia and its significance for global brand bargaining.

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Route Map to an Asia Floor Wage: 10 Steps Brands and Retailers Can Take Towards Implementing a Minimum Living Wage

AFWA and Clean Clothes Campaign collaborate on this publication to spell out ten steps global brands can take towards implementing a minimum living wage for garment workers in Asia, who produce most of their clothing.

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Guiding Principles for Asia Floor Wage Pilot Projects

The Asia Floor Wage Alliance is open to conducting pilot projects in supplier factories, with buyers and multi-stakeholder initiatives, on living wage in order to practically test the implementation of the Asia Floor Wage. This document states the guiding principles for conducting AFW Pilot Projects.

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Perspective: Asia Floor Wage and Gender

The garment industry has historically been and continues to be, one of the most female-dominated industries in the world. It has the potential to lift millions of women and men out of poverty worldwide and can advance gender equality. This publication states that this can only happen if the industry ensures decent quality jobs where a minimum living wage is provided.

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AFWA Public Launch Decision Statement | Hong Kong

This statement released by AFWA in Hong Kong in October 2008 explains AFWA’s transition from an internal phase to an externally-oriented phase that moved the campaign to a public launch in 2009.

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Position Statement of Asia Floor Wage Alliance | Dhaka

This statement explains the concept of Asia Floor Wage and the need for it. It can be used by AFWA partners to discuss the Asia Floor Wage concept with other allies. It also provides principles for conducting the Asia Floor Wage campaign for living wage for garment workers.

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First Discussion Paper on Asia Floor Wage

This is the first discussion note prepared by the India Committee (New Trade Union Initiative, Cividep, Fedina, Jobs with Justice-India, SAVE, Center for Education and Communication, Stree Jagruti) on Asia Floor Wage. It incorporates comments received from consultations among groups in India and with groups from different parts of Asia with regard to an Asian Floor Level Wage Campaign in the Garment Export Sector.

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